Page Content for your Featured Locations can be applied individually per location or to your Featured Location Defaults. We offer many different kind of content blocks based on widgets you may already be familiar with. Each type has different settings and options so be sure to toggle options to find the configuration that fits for you.

Custom Content

Use the Content Editor to insert different flavors of text, images, tables, and support all of that with HTML to bring out the most in your content. Set the height for the bottom margin, and click OK.

In this simple example, we're using Custom Content to insert text below the Masthead page heading.


Choose the text that will appear on the button, and where it will link to. You can choose to have the button open the link in the same window, a new window, or a pop up modal. The primary and secondary color selection is based on your theme. Inline display will allow the button to flow like text while Block display will fill up the page and have the button will always be on its own line. Choose the height for the bottom margin and click OK.

In this example we're using two buttons that link to other Featured Location pages. All buttons are using primary color and block display. 


Cards serve as the primary components for Featurette Cards Grids and Flip Cards Grids. Choosing a background image here instead of the Card Image block that's a direct child of this block will insert a background image on the whole card. Add an href link, choose the target window, and set the text alignment, padding, and bottom margin. 

Card Image

Card blocks are allowed to use Card Image blocks. This allows a background image to be used along with a Card Body block, so you may have a header image for a card, and other content in the space below the card. You can set just this part of the card to contain an href link, and can set the target window and text alignment. 

Card Body

Additionally, Card blocks have access to the card Body, giving a space to insert text or other content within the space of the card.

In our example, we're using a Card container block that links to a market report for our featured location, with children Card Image and Card Body blocks. Custom content text sits inside the Card Body block to give a brief explanation of the card's purpose.


Use headings to break up the different sections of your page content. Set the header text, the tag for the paragraph format, and the text alignment. Choose the height for the bottom margin, and click OK.

Nav Links

Define a list of your own custom links or inherit the links from the featured location links. Format your links either inline, vertically, or into columns, and set your text alignment. Choose the height for the bottom margin and click OK.

Click the "Add Link" button to insert a new link. Then simply click the "Link To" button to add a link to an already existing page, an IDX Search, a Market Report, an email, or a telephone link. Multiple links can be added to the list of links by clicking the "Add Link" button again.

Listing Search Form

Insert a search form. You can choose from the regular formats sucks as the quick search, quick search bar, location bar, advanced search, and foreclosure search. You can preconfigure the search criteria.

Here, we've set up a Quick Search Bar with a simple heading, with a preconfigured location search for "Sacramento, CA" using a macro to inherit the location.

Featured Location Links

These are inherited from the Links section of the Featured Location with an additional content wrapper block and header. You can choose to change the format, text alignment, and height for the bottom margin.

In this example we've set up list of Saved Search page links based on pricing for homes in the Featured Location.

Featurette Cards Grid

A wrapper thats pre-populated with three cards that link to some of your modal forms, such as the Free Market Analysis, Dream Home Finder, and your Contact forms. You can see the structure of the cards by expanding the Featurette Card to reveal that it is made up of a Card Image with a Heading, and a Card Body with custom content. The "Cards Grids" are defined by a Custom item type.

In the edit popup for Featurette Cards you may change the Href link for a published page, the Target window in which the link will open, the text alignment, padding, and bottom margin. 

Here is an example of the default Featurette Card Grid.

Flip Cards Grid

A wrapper that contains a multitude of Flip Cards that largely based on IDX keyword search terms. These cards flip over to show a negative of the icon and heading. You can see the structure of card by expanding the Flip Card to see that it is made up of an Icon and a Heading. The "Cards Grids" are defined by a Custom item type. 

In the edit popup for Flip Cars you may change the background image for the card, and choose where the Href link points to. Since this Flip Card targets the Waterfront keyword, we have an IDX search for the location that targets the same keyword. You can adjust the target window, text alignment, padding, and bottom margin as well.


Flip Cards get usage of an icon to show on top of the background image. Simply choose an icon from the popup window that fits the theme of the flip card you're choosing for. 

Here is an example of the Flip Cards shown above with their chosen defaults.

Listings Result Context 

A wrapper that is an IDX Search result for the Listings Carousel and Listings Grid. It contains the header text, the carousel or grid, and a button below that links to the IDX Search configured here.

Listings Carousel

Showcase listings using a carousel that transitions through different listings for the location. Once your IDX Search is configured, you can adjust the carousel's auto play, delay (in seconds) between the transition animation, and the height for the bottom margin.

In this example we're using a Listings Carousel to show listings in "Sacramento, CA".

Listings Grid

Show your listings using a static, unmoving grid instead of a carousel. Once your IDX Search is configured, you can change the gap (padding) between the listings, and the height for the bottom margin. 

In this example we have a Listings Grid with a regular gap to show listings in "Sacramento, CA"

Featured Locations Context

A wrapper for the Featured Locations that contains the header text and either a carousel, grid, or tiles that links to other featured location pages. You can add or remove all locations or individually select which locations you'd like to add through the dropdown menu. You can choose whether to include the links from that context, otherwise it will just show the card with an image. Excluding the Featured Location Context will hide the featured location from appearing on its own page.

Featured Locations Carousel

An animated carousel that transitions through your locations based on what you added from the Context. You can turn the carousel's auto play On or Off, set the delay (in seconds) between the transition animation, and change the height for the bottom margin.

In this example we're using a carousel to show off all our nearby locations, with links to Saved Search pages included in the wrapper context. 

Featured Locations Grid

Show your locations in a static grid based on the locations added from the Context. You can change the gap between the cards, and set the height for the bottom margin.

In this example we have a Grid with a regular gap, without links included in the wrapper context.

Featured Locations Tiles

Use static tiles that have inline links inside the cards rather than placed below. You can change the gap between the tiles, and set the height for the bottom margin.

For this example, we're using Tiles with a 1px gap, with links to Saved Search pages included in the wrapper context.

Market Report Summary

A simple summary report with a wrapper and a heading, just input the location to show a graph, the median list price, the median list price, and the average days on the market. 

Here's a simple example of a market report for "Sacramento".